Calcutta and Orissa 2024

Calcutta is crowded and getting somewhere by car can eat up your day. Our guide knows that I am a railway buff and takes us by local train from Howrah station to Belur Math.
Next to Howrah station there is Railway museum. There are steam and diesel engines of the broad gauge and some carriages on display. I am specially happy to find Darjeeling B Class engine with a restored wooden luxury carriage well protected in a hall. Next to it there is this majestic narrow gauge D coupler dating back to 1960.

There are still some trams rumbling along streets in the downtown area. Unfortunately they were banned to the sheds as prime minister Modi was opening a new subway tunnel under the Hogli river that day and pictures of the old wrecks would have ruined the reputation on ultra-modern public transport!
Orissa has large deposits of coal that is shipped to steelworks and powerstations in trains of 100 bulk goods wagons. Two mighty engines pull and one pushes the load over the low pass at Dhenkanal.

Finally I find an old steamer, held together by paint, sitting on a pedestal in front of the Baripada station.
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